czwartek, 21 czerwca 2012

Kilada at night - Big Greek Night Out

The Kilada is a small valley in the city of Serres. There are swimming pools and bars on this street. What is interesting? perhaps a pub outside! Very cool place. Mixalis.. our Greek friend took us on a Greek Night Out. On the way there, I had a small occasion for making some pictures during the night. Unfortunately I am still learning making pictures so .. most of them where useless without paint shop. thats whats left from them.. and a couple nice ones are from a camera, that is much more.. easier to use ;)

We got to pub/bar around 11 o'clock in the night, and still there was a lot of places. Lots of them was reserved for people. We sat down behind the bar. I ordered coca cola - and.. they asked me for a 5 Euro for it. it was unusual so I asked why it is so expensive. They said it's because of the party ( there was a party with a posters) Every drink was 5 Euro.. weird.. but they gave away water for free so it was Cool :), I had 5 bottles of water than :) water in Greece is for free - everywhere :) it is cool :)

ooh There was a freakin Vodka Wyborowa at the bar. Bartenders from time to time were having a shot or two.

around 00.00 more people got to the party, but they were just talking, and cheering, not drinking too much alcohol. Than there was a lot of music.. good music, and I mean.. loud.. very loud music, but I did not see anyone dancing. So.. as we all were sitting undear this huuuuuge speaker.. we decided to finish sitting in this pub about 1.00 in the night.

Than we went for little picture taking during the night.. and here are the results :*

Thank you Mixalis!!
thanks bye!!

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