poniedziałek, 25 czerwca 2012

The Game Night.

Well it all begins at the evening, when I decided to give my camera another shot..
I gave it another chance and the pictures are a lot better.. still needs to learn a lot though :)
The game Greece Germany we have seen in a tavern.. In a typical Greek tavern. On the way I took some pictures :) I like them :) as you can see.. some of them were very blurred so I decided to photo shop them a little bit.

On the game.. we have all been invited by a Greek girl named Eleni. She invited us for souvlaki to her boyfriend's tavern. When we got there, our table was already gone.. and the place was full of people willing to see Greece winning the game!! It was funny, because Katja is German.. Eleni was Greek and I.. kind of host ;) Polish. So there, when the Germans put first score - there was no reaction at the Greeks. Nothing. Peace. But than when Greece scored.. everybody got up.. shouting, and screaming.. also clapping hands ;) that was the most beautiful moment of the evening. And than.. even MORE!! reply.. action reply.. and another another and another.. That is.. when there was an action reply all Greeks was cheering just as it would happen live ;) It was so Cool. and than.. of course there was more goals from Germans, and eventually as you know already, Greece have lost the game BUT they believed, they cheered to the last second it could be won!!  amazing.

and than.. after the game..  we went to das Kindergarden where I was jumping a little bit. 
and than.. we went fur das Ice Creamerzz essen. ;) Germans vs Italians.. soon.. soon. ;)

oups.. I almost forgot we Have also went to the akropolis ( the highest city place) but I did not took my tripod so the picture is shit.. ;) next time than ;)

Thank You Eleni!!
Thanks Bye!


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