wtorek, 27 listopada 2012

Healthy Working Environment Survey Final Update

So I suppose its about to go finish. It is hard for me to believe, but it actually worked out. My mentor said she won't be smoking inside the radio, and since more than a week so far she keeps her word! I am very happy to announce I am not choking of smoke inside the office any more.

Of course this case is still not closed, because of the other people who are also in the radio, and does not seem to care and take proper actions against bad smoke odour in the building, but I think, and hope it is just a matter of small chat.

It was not easy. My mentor was rejecting all the conversations about the no smoking in the radio, so I decided to take another type of action. Generally I engaged strike, which last for 2 all days long. I was very bored at home.. and I said I will come to work only when I will be 100% percent needed in there.

So the morning that it actually happened was on Thursday, I went there - and then we spoke. And my mentor was super cool! She said she wants me in the radio and that she will not smoke in there.

It was almost 2 weeks ago. :)

I am worried though about that, when I will leave this project, nobody will care any more, and my fellows volunteers will be choking with this poison.

Lets hope they will act! and succeed as well!!

Now.. today I saw my mentor holding her cell phone, and then the rolled cigarette in the other hand, she was really, I mean really into her Greek conversation, so I decided to keep an eye, you know?
and you know what I have seen? In a moment she is putting the lighter on.. Man.. i immedietaly reacted! :) so there was no big deal about it.


Why is this such a big problem for me? smoking in the radio?

Greeks apparently seem not to care about the smoking health issues, and does not care about people who does not smoke. Also the ones that are about to quit, or try to quit have very difficult life in here, because nobody respects the law around this matter. I quit smoking one year ago - this was really hard for me to inhale just a bit. Then I really have a bad taste in my mouth, and my brain feels need for this poison again. I need to fight not to smoke again.

This situation is not only in the radio.. street, pubs, taverns - nobody gives a shit.
After talking about this with couple of Greek people - I know only that - that they seem not to believe, or don't know about the serious matter of the smoke bad influence. I mean - smoke.. if you want, but stay away from me OK? I won this war with this bad habit. dont want to see you smoking even.

So, I still have a problem with some night broadcasters, there apparently are some guys which are smoking in the evening, and apparently these brainiacs are not even bothered about opening the window when they smoke. so If I come to the radio 9 o clock in the morning.. it stills smells with this shit after them.

I thought I had a deal - smoking is only allowed for two persons during volunteers duty times (between 9 and 17) under the conditions: it is in a room with console, doors closed, windows open.
It is an extreme exception - because they work in this radio for like 20 years, I like them, they like me so this is a compromise.

This is really hard when they do this - But this prove that our deal is working, they can be happy, and I can have much more clearer air around me and other volunteers during our working hours.

However when someone is not opening the windows.. I start the day with a smoke blast into my brain, lungs and heart which is pretty encouraging to go back home.

So I need to speak with the people who does that.

Why not smoking in the main room?
It is cold, when they smoke inside, the cold air is going INSIDE the room, pushing all the smoke INSIDE the room, open window.. would help ONLY if it would be equally cold, as outside.. this is senseless.

I don't understand, why they can not simply obey the laws? There is a point in this laws and there needs to be question why is this law in EU. Because.. According to WHO statistics
600 000 people each year die because of inhaling second hand smoke
200 000 PETS die because people smoke in their houses. Can you imagine all this kitties and puppies?

this is Poison!

if you want to poison yourself, do it/stay away from me please.

Thanks Bye, and here you are final results of Healthy Working Environment Survey:
Part A – About Smoking in Our Workplace

1. Please rate the degree to which you agree with the following statement:
“I believe that second-hand smoke is a serious threat to my health in my workplace.”

69 %  # Strongly agree

2. Are you bothered by other people smoking in our workplace?

78%    # Yes

3. How does second-hand/passive smoke affect you?

31%     # I have physical reactions (headaches, stinging eyes, nausea, etc)
22%     # I have medical/health complications affected by second-hand smoke (heart
disease, respiratory disease, allergies, etc)
46%     # I feel the need to get away from my work area for a breath of fresh air.
15%     # I have difficulty sleeping at night due to smoke-related
22%     # I have difficulty concentrating on my work because I am annoyed by the presence
of second-hand smoke
50%     # I feel that my productivity at work is negatively affected by the presence of
second-hand smoke
22%     # I feel uncomfortable asking people who smoke not to smoke around me.
6%       # I sense tensions between smokers and non-smokers

Part B – About a Smoke-Free Policy for Our Radio

6. Are you in favor of reducing exposure to second-hand/passive smoke in our workplace?

76%    # Yes

7. Which smoking policy you would support? (Please tick ONE only)

39%    # Complete ban on smoking in our workplace
28%     # No smoking inside and smoking in restricted areas outside.
33%     # Smoking restricted to certain areas outside and designated areas inside that are
separately vented to the outside

Part C – About Me

9. I am

53%     # male
47%     # female

10. average  32 years old

11. Which of the following describes me best? (Please tick ONE only)

58%    # I am a non-smoker.
10%     # I am an ex-smoker.
21%     # I am a smoker who would like to quit.
11%     # I am a smoker who does not want to quit.

Part D – About Supporting People who Smoke

12. Would you like to cut down on the amount you smoke?

86%    # Yes
14%     # No

13. How many times in the past year have you quit smoking for at least 24 hours?

43%     # None
28%     # 1 to 5
29%     # 5 or more

15. Please describe the types of support you have used:

E Cigarette

16. If our radio were to become smoke-free indoors and outdoors, how likely
would you seriously consider quitting smoking?

29%     # Definitely
14%     # Very likely
29%     # Somewhat likely
28%     # Not at all

Part E

17.       Average time spend in radio  

each person      -           12 hours a week
Non Smokers             -           14 hours a week
Smokers           -           6,5 hours a week

19. Would you like if our radio would become a smoke – free radio?
76%    # Yes.
24%     # No.

Note: Smoke Free Radio is important for the people who does not smoke, and do not want to inhale second hand/passive smoke.
If you did not fill out our survey, There is still time for this.
Make our research more accurate! Please fill out survey until the end of this week
(until Sunday the 4th)

poniedziałek, 12 listopada 2012

Just Greek It Show

Just Greek It Show
Radio Broadcast at Rodon FM

Every Friday at 3 o'clock ( Greek Time)
CET - 2 o'clock (i.e. Poland, Germany, Italy)
and 1 o'clock in Portugal ;)

poniedziałek, 29 października 2012

Healthy Work Environment Survey 1 Results

Well, I made my counting and so far this is how it looks like, 
I wonder what will be the community reaction:

Healthy Working Environment Survey
Results Week 1

Part A – About Smoking in Our Workplace

1. Please rate the degree to which you agree with the following statement:
“I believe that second-hand smoke is a serious threat to my health in my workplace.”

61 %  # Strongly agree
23%     # Agree
8%       # Neither agree nor disagree
8%       # Strongly disagree

2. Are you bothered by other people smoking in our workplace?

67%    # Yes (continue to Question 3)
33%     # No (go to Question 4)

3. How does second-hand/passive smoke affect you?

22%     # I have physical reactions (headaches, stinging eyes, nausea, etc)
22%     # I have medical/health complications affected by second-hand smoke (heart
disease, respiratory disease, allergies, etc)
45%     # I feel the need to get away from my work area for a breath of fresh air.
11%     # I have difficulty sleeping at night due to smoke-related
34%     # I have difficulty concentrating on my work because I am annoyed by the presence
of second-hand smoke
33%     # I feel that my productivity at work is negatively affected by the presence of
second-hand smoke
25%     # I feel uncomfortable asking people who smoke not to smoke around me.
8%       # I sense tensions between smokers and non-smokers

Part B – About a Smoke-Free Policy for Our Radio

6. Are you in favour of reducing exposure to second-hand/passive smoke in our workplace?

73%    # Yes
27%     # No

7. Which smoking policy you would support? (Please tick ONE only)

42%    # Complete ban on smoking in our workplace
25%     # No smoking inside and smoking in restricted areas outside.
33%     # Smoking restricted to certain areas outside and designated areas inside that are
separately vented to the outside

Part C – About Me

9. I am

38%     # male
62%     # female

10. average  30 years old

11. Which of the following describes me best? (Please tick ONE only)

46%    # I am a non-smoker. (go to Question 17)
15%     # I am an ex-smoker. (go to Question 17)
23%     # I am a smoker who would like to quit. (go to Question 12)
16%     # I am a smoker who does not want to quit. (go to Question 12)

Part D – About Supporting People who Smoke

12. Would you like to cut down on the amount you smoke?

83%    # Yes
17%     # No

13. How many times in the past year have you quit smoking for at least 24 hours?

50%     # None
33%     # 1 to 5
17%     # 5 or more

15. Please describe the types of support you have used:

E Cigarette

16. If our radio were to become smoke-free indoors and outdoors, how likely
would you seriously consider quitting smoking?

33%     # Definitely
17%     # Very likely
17%     # Somewhat likely
33%     # Not at all

Part E

17.       Average time spend in radio  

each person      -           16 hours a week
Non Smokers             -           20 hours a week
Smokers           -           8 hours a week

19. Would you like if our radio would become a smoke – free radio?
67%    # Yes.
33%     # No.

Note: Smoke Free Radio is important for the people who does not smoke, and do not want to inhale second hand/passive smoke.
If you did not fill out our survey, There is still time for this.
Make our research more accurate! Please fill out survey until the end of this week
(until Sunday the 4th)

Healthy Work Environment Campaign Update

Hello Again. I decided to write about.

So.. after the first week of collecting surveys, I have collected some surveys. The results of the first week, will be known tonight.

I just wanted to add about the attitude. at first 2 or 3 days I have noticed that amount of cigarretes smoked in th eoffice was reduced. this week - on monday it is already like it used to be.
I am not surprised, because I had no expectations, but i feel rather disappointed in the radio community, that choose in a small amount of people, not to make the survey ( i can't be here 24h per day, and keep asking everybody), and dissapointed of keep awaring them that it is hurtful to my health and others in the radio. Well, we are going to se results of the survey how much peole do not like it.

I started also think about the problem of smoking in Greece.
It is not about smoking. It is about the respect to each other. It is like - if smokers does not respect their bodies and health, why they do still disrespect mine? Why do I have to suffer for their problems? Why people free of this disgusting bad habit, need to suffer, and expose to their smoke in a work place? I understand I, and nobody can not tell people what to do.. on the street. but i Strongly agree with baning smoking in a closed place. Is it such a big problem to understand, that is the way the world goes this days?

People around the world are quiting smoking, and the amount of smokers each year is falling down.
why is this happening?

Because it is true that it is causing a lot of damage to human health.

stay tuned for the results of the survey. and for the short history of smoking in the world :)

Thanks Byt

wtorek, 23 października 2012

Healthy Work Environment Campaign

Today I have started my Healthy Work Environment Campaign.

I will try to make our radio a smoke Free radio!

I start with a little survey that I will give to all of the people that come to the radio during the week.

They will answer many different questions about the smoking. My mentor said, that democratically, if most of participants will be for making Radio a smoke free.. that will happen. Thumbs up for good Attitude!

Of course Greeks are the only nation in the Europe that does not respect the laws and any restrictions against smoking. I want to see if this can cause any reasons for existing of the basics of the Greek "Crisis" problem.

Day 1. Collecting Surveys.

niedziela, 30 września 2012

Where to begin?

Hello after almost 2 months. :)

OK. so I have not been writing for such a god damn long time, I even don't know were to start any more. Should I start with my first visit in Italy in Pizzo, on a youth exchange with Youth in dance? 8 days with 6 international teams, dancing their regional and traditional, national dances? Loosing our baggage by Air Italia... Twice for some of people of my team, the SKY team, that was born in this way?

 or should I start with one day visit in Rome, walking around in the city centre, visiting the most what we could see with SKY team in 8 hours in Rome? like colloseum and freaking st. peters square? We also got there buy bus that wanted us to pay double the price for tkaing us there and back from the airport?

or Should I begin with how I have spent my annual leave from Serres? That I went back to Poland for 2 weddings? that in the time between My great 2 Male friends lost their minds for fantastic women, I went to visit on Sicily my favourite Italians from the youth exchange that came to serres at the very beggining of my project in Greece? like they took me for swimming every day, which I loved pratty much , and I even got myslef some fins and snorkels to dive better, and longer and wider?
or should I begin with the story how I have found my fantastic diving mask?

I don't know, might be I should begin with how I visited FlatOne Aleksandra or Hedvig Karpati from the Athens volunteer's On arrival Seminar? so Basically about visiting Warsaw and Budapest?

Or should I write about that, that when I finally got back to Serres to continue my program, my dear Grandmother pass away, and I went back to Poland again.. just for 4 days, to support my family on her funeral?

or should I begin with actually great camping on the beach near to Kavala? that we been on.. I do not really remember even when?

or should I perhaps just skip all that, and try to say what I actually try to do over here right now?

I am pretty much messed. It is like...2 months no writing - and I am basically lost in the experience that I maintain to gain over all this time.

this is of course just a lack of things that i tried, and did during all this time, and actually.. next week i am going already again to the MID term seminar to Athens.

This is amazing how time flies If I will be able to write again soon.. might be it will have much more sense :)